Mohammad Mirzai stated at today's "Population and Development with emphasis on Iran" at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad: "According to estimates estimated by agriculture, the world's population was 5 to 10 million. Subsequently, according to a survey conducted in the year zero, the world's population was between 70 and 330 million. He added: "In fact, after the emergence of agriculture, the world population has grown somewhat. In the 1500s, the world's population grew to about 490 million people and grew, and in the middle of the nineteenth century, the world's population reached a billion. It should be noted that throughout the history of the 1840s, the world's population reached a billion, and rapidly increased the number of billion people. Accordingly, in 1999, 6 billion will be 8 billion by 2025 and will reach 8 billion by 2045. Democrats continued: According to a survey conducted between 1963 and 2011, an average of 12 billion people per year The world has been added. The point is, given the moderation that has occurred today in population growth, there is a potential for population growth control.
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