Predicting a sharp rise in car prices!
While yesterday the car prices were announced by the Competition Council after three days of passing between this council and the market regulation headquarters, the studies show that the new car price from the factory to the market for Iran-Khodro Company is about 60 to 110 million and for Saipa 30 to 40 million. Tomans is far from the same, and this high profit margin will strengthen the speculative demand in the car market.
🔹According to Mohammad Reza Najafi Manesh, President of the Homogeneous Parts Industries Association, the proposed formula will not only lead to a sharp increase in car prices, but the rent that creates this price gap is about 50,000 billion tomans.
Morteza Zamanian, an expert on economic issues, also believes that the factor that leads to the control of car prices in the market is not cheap supply by car manufacturers, but increasing its supply, while the best way to control the car market is to supply it in the commodity exchange.