Zanganeh will be released; Babak Zanjani will be released
One day, his disagreement with Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif is one day of a challenge with the Minister of Information Seyyed Mahmoud Alavi, and perhaps another day, with the head of the Central Bank of the Central Bank, with the head of the oil ministry. The critics and opponents' trick did not respond to the challenge between the oil ministry and the government with the construction site, and the best and most suspicious way to blow up and destroy the face of Zanganeh is to spread his corruption with suspicious banking cards in his office.
Zanganeh but stands and does not surrender to the pressures within the parliament until the pressure of the fundamentalist media and, of course, a range of cravings in cyberspace. What is the secret of these recurrent pressures and rumor-based news items and the man who stands up to the number one Ministry of Oil?
Critics of Zanganeh say that he does not believe in the arrangement of a war against pressures and sanctions, some, but more explicitly, express the inside demands of the critics and opposition front. They say they will go on a hunger strike, resign or be intercepted, and instead of him, Babak Zanjani be released to circumvent Iranian oil sanctions and stop the pressure on sanctions. Of course, they do not say at what price and of course the corruption caused by this method of silencing sanctions is silent.
Deals in dark room or dirty hands?
Iran's oil sales policy is being carried out before the new round of oil sanctions in the dark room of the National Oil Company and under the supervision of a private minister, so that Iran's oil buyers are not lethal and pressured by the United States. In the middle of May this year, Amir Hossein Zamaninia, a senior diplomat and deputy director of the International and Commercial Ministry of Oil, announced the "discovering a gray market" for Iranian crude oil sales.
Of course, he said about "oil sales" in the market: "I can not say that we sell a few barrels of oil a day, it does not help anyone, but it sends it to America and helps him to affect the amount of exports," he said. "We are trying to minimize the risk of corruption in this market and not let Babak Zanjani be reproduced," he said.